実 Bear Fruit

実(Minoru)Bear Fruit

This letter has a meaning of “Bear Fruit.”
Originally, the upper side of this letter is a roof, and the underside is a shell used as ancient money.
The middle has two meanings. The first one is a beautifully decorated box, and the second one is a rice field.

When we think the middle part as the first one, the beautiful box, what we can understand this letter’s shape is you already have enough reward of success in your house.
When we adopt the meaning of the second one, what we can understand this letter’s shape is you already have your own rice field, and after you grow it, you can get rice as rewards.

This card tells us when we want to get delicious rice as rewards, we have to water the field.
In the world of tarot, we understand water as emotion. Therefore, when we want to achieve goals, our emotion become the water for the field.
It means we have to work on it being excited, like thinking how delicious the rice will be.

But when you think you will not be able to get delicious rice, even if you grow it so hard, it cannot be grown.
That’s why, if you want to achieve goals, the important thing is being excited when you deal with something.

When this card appears it means you have goals to achieve, and you’ve already had the base to achieve there. What you need to do now is just getting excited to deal with it.
It would be the key to achieve goals or get rewards.


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