神 God


This letter has a meaning of “God.”
Originally, the left side of this letter is an altar which is a stage to offer something to God, and the right side is thunder.
Therefore, the whole of this letter’s shape is praying to God, and after praying, you will be able to get an inspiration like a lightning strike.

By the way, we Japanese understand this letter as God.

When this card appears, here comes the time to get an inspiration or a guidance from God or the universe. In this case, any kind of faith is OK. The most important thing is believing in something leading you.
If it is easier for you to believe in God, you can believe in Him. If it is easier for you to believe in the universe, you can believe in it.

Now we are having this card, it means something leading you will give you a guidance, and it will make your situation better. Therefore, what you need to do now is believing in something all above, and catching the guidance from Him.

If you can’t believe in Him, however He gives you some messages, you would not be able to notice it. That’s why, if you were the one who don’t believe in God, you should believe in Him just once, and keep your eyes open to notice where the massages will come down to you.


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