受 To receive

受(Ukeru)To receive

This letter has a meaning of “To receive.”
Originally, the whole of this letter’s shape is a scene of delivery. There are two hands and a ship. The underside of this letter is a hand to send, and the upper side is a hand to receive, and the middle is a ship.
Therefore, the whole of this letter’s shape is someone sending gifts or materials and the other receiving them.

Now we are having this card, it means there is something that you should receive. For example, gifts, kindness and praise from someone, or using your own ability.
When you become a person who can receive them, you will be able to make someone happy by using or sending them again. It means if you receive them, they will become the wealth for not only you but also other people.

By the way, please imagine, if you send a gift for someone, and the gift is not received, what kind of feeling will you have?
Therefore receiving them is not a gain just for you, but also it is a gain for who gives them to you and for whom you give them after receiving them.
You don’t need to hesitate to receive them.


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